A Monarch hijacking religion by leaning on an existing church or creating his own is arguably the inspiration for the prohibition against a religious test in the Constitution. Or at least the motivation behind the signers and ratifiers agreeing to make a religious test taboo against being a requirement for government office to this day. Hijacking medicine could amount to the same thing. Leaning on the medical community or having a crown doctor lead the medical community could allow a monarch to establish ‘medical truth’ to be whatever he wants. More importantly it could justify censoring of people, facts and data that don’t work well with the new ‘truth’.
The Executive Orders Requiring Corona virus Vaccination for Federal Employees (EO 14043) and Contractors (EO 14042) may be considered a religious test required as a qualification for office or public trust. When hired, Federal employees are required to swear an oath to uphold the Constitution. They may not be forced to share their vaccine status or to be vaccinated to continue their employment without violating the Constitution and thus breaking that oath.
Before the first ten amendments of the Constitution were ratified, the people already had all powers and rights not given to the legislative, executive and judicial powers of the new Federal government or the State governments. As taught in the tenth amendment, power is reserved to the people. Not because of the tenth amendment but because of the Constitution and State constitutions. By ratifying the Constitution the people took back all the powers previously given in the Articles of Confederation and gave only the powers specified in the Constitution to the new Federal government. Ratifying the Constitution required adjustments by each State convention to the existing State constitution and corresponding power adjustments to the existing State government. Any power previously held by a State government but not permitted by the new Constitution was given to the Federal government or returned to and retained by the people.
The first amendment didn’t take any power or right from the people and give it to the State or Federal government. It only listed powers or rights already held in escrow by the people for the people in perpetuity. To make it absolutely clear that no U.S. government could ever even think about touching any listed powers or rights in the future. Religion was the first power declared hands off. Not only that, an additional clarification was added basically giving religion the number two spot as well, to guarantee free exercise of it. This listing of powers or rights exclusive to the people did not take back any power or right given to Federal or State. Nothing changed to decrease the power of religion, always to be enjoyed solely by the people, with this double exclusion. Neither of these two prohibitions go against the exclusion of a religious test in the Constitution itself. With that original prohibition there are three specific listings clearly declaring U.S. government may have nothing to do with anything that could overlap with the expansive category of an establishment of religion.
Even if religion were not listed as a power secured to the people three times over it would still not be a power of the Federal because it was never delegated. Now, as ever since, it may not be delegated. We have slowly misinterpreted perfectly phrased English over time to mean the exact opposite of what is still written in plain English. The advertised phrase, separation of church and state is a good example. There is no basis for that in the Constitution. Literally. Try reading the actual document. In a logic tree the Constitution is the root, laws passed by Congress children, precedent grandchildren. Whether accidental or on purpose, no matter how many past justices have ruled that way based on laws or religious precedent, it doesn’t matter. The phrase is backwards if anything but even forwards it would still be inaccurate: separation of state and church is better but still doesn’t pull it off.
The word church is not in the Constitution! We have only ‘religious test’, ‘establishment of religion’ and ‘prohibiting the free exercise thereof’. Clearly the word church is a substitute for the phrase establishment of religion. This is completely unacceptable. You may not reduce a phrase to a word and then use that word from there on out to make your life easier. By doing so you lose significant meaning. You could argue Dr. Fauci didn’t form a church. But the phrase ‘establishment of religion’ is much broader than the word ‘church’. With Dr. Fauci and the CDC the U.S. governments acted as an establishment of religion. Look at the context of the phrase. Remember, the first amendment didn’t change anything in the Constitution but it kept State constitutions and the Constitution from being amended in this respect. It's a blacklist for added security. It may have even required an update to a State constitution when ratified. U.S. governments influencing the people through an establishment of religion can only be accomplished illegally via stolen religious power because that power may not be delegated by the people. Since propaganda power is undelegated, governments are also restricted from determining the truth by the Constitution.
Has it occurred to you that you may be a victim or accomplice of human trafficking? That your actions, if you assert pressure on family, friends or neighbors to comply with distance, vaccine or mask mandates, may be the introduction of a form of religious slavery? That those who teach that our slave-holding founding fathers, who helped found this God-fearing system which successfully eradicated slavery, were villains, may be reintroducing slavery worldwide? That if you glory in our sidestepping of the Constitution you may be signing away your own personal freedom along with the freedom of family, friends and neighbors as well as the freedom of those of succeeding generations? Do you want a Monarch?
What do you think a Monarch is, merely a benign figurehead to be adored? Have you read the Bible? The people who choose God to be their ruler and their law giver are free, those who choose man to reign over them are not. The Constitution is based on the Bible. How else is freedom derived? Socialism always fails. See the Declaration of Independence. By dropping the Bible and traditional religion, we the people took the first step away from the Constitution. To stop following the Constitution is a natural subsequent step. It’s difficult for a people to follow the Constitution without following the Bible. It may not even be possible. However, U.S. governments may not require people to follow the Bible. That’s illegal. Forbidding prayer, the Bible etc. in public places is also illegal but how do you reason with those not willing to strive to follow the Bible and the Constitution? Each person has to choose to do it themselves. That’s the only proven way freedom works. Free agency is required. When the majority leave wisdom’s path, all the people lose the protection that comes from following the Bible and the Constitution. Why do you think missionaries work so hard to spread the gospel? We’re striving to maintain our freedom.
Monarchs are glorified slaveholders. Without the Constitution you are not your own. The Constitution is everything. A ruler could be noble and just but eventually her successor won’t be. It is very difficult and costly to escape or overcome a bad ruler. Bloody. Lots of death. Much easier to avoid the possibility altogether. No monarchs.
The only separation to do with religion in the Constitution is the separation of U.S. governments from even thinking about touching anything to do with ‘religious test’, ‘establishment of religion’ and ‘prohibiting the free exercise thereof’. Does that limit people in any way? Absolutely not. People independent of U.S. governments may perform any kind of religious test they want, establish any religion they want and prohibit the free exercise thereof. U.S. governments may not. Funds from U.S. governments may not. Corporations with U.S. government protection may not, etc. The people secure all the reserved and undelegated rights. You may not ask U.S. governments for something you already have. A power or right doesn’t have to be listed in the first amendment to forbid its use by the Federal government. It just has to not be delegated in the Constitution. A law may not grant a power or right not delegated in the Constitution. Sorry Congress. That’s illegal.
Executive Orders are merely a precedent set by presidents in directing the executive departments. No matter how they have been used they may not apply to the legislative or judicial powers of the Federal government or to a State. Let alone the people. The Constitution clearly separates Federal power in three parts and executive power no matter how expanded in the past is contained by being statically defined. Any attempt to affect anything outside of the executive power in an executive order infringes on the legislative power: Congress. Textbook unconstitutional. Executive power is not legislative power. An executive trying to control the people outside of executive orders is even less convincing. Talk about a possible security risk of national concern to the homeland. Sorry President. That’s illegal.
The national security breach in 1962 by the Supreme Court when it illegally legislated from the bench to do what Congress might not, restrict religious practices in public schools, has yet to be eradicated. The absence of the Bible and the Lord’s prayer in the public education of these generations has proven to be catastrophic. Judicial power is not legislative power. Sorry Supreme Court. That’s illegal.
The people are the ones who secure power, not add to delegated instances of it. You can only do what the Constitution says you may if you want things to go well. If you think executives can do what the supposed majority wants you’re missing the point. This was never a democracy. Calling governments under the Constitution a democracy is miseducating. Try studying the Constitution yourself. The people don’t have legislative power to give. They gave all of it to Congress. No, the three Federal powers may not delegate or share power back and forth. If they might it would say so. The Constitution is very straightforward and easy to understand from the eyes of a penitent Christian. Nobody’s perfect. That’s what repentance is for. A predecessor may have pushed the envelope before you but that doesn’t justify your leaving the proven path. Sorry precedent. That’s illegal.
The idea that Health and Human Services (HHS) may direct the FAA or OSHA to control the people is laughable. CDC even more so – they’re a lowly component of HHS. Hello executive agencies, you’re not Congress either. The Federal government has three chief powers. Unlike the Congress and the Court where the powers are secured jointly, the executive power is secured solely by the president. Federal powers are separate for a reason. Delegated executive power is departmentalized for a reason. An HHS component dictating to agencies outside of that component, let alone HHS, is ridiculous. How is a circular delegation secure? Trying to control a State? Undelegatable. States secure power from State constitutions. Executive departments and agencies secure no power. No contest. States and municipalities may not delegate powers away to the Federal government. Especially if the power they’re trying to delegate was never delegated to them in the first place. It’s Congress’s fault this even has to be clarified. It's been openly delegating legislative power in ways that aren’t allowed and don’t work. Now, because the Supreme Court hasn’t intervened, others are trying it. Stop it. The people are free to do what they want inside the law, independent of U.S. governments. The Federal government is not. Neither are the States and municipalities. The Constitution does not give any government the power to control the people. Nor does it give Congress the power to give it to anyone. We the people exclusively secure the power over what we do. And it’s off limits.
Stand down President Biden. Executive Orders 14042 (future contracts) and 14043 (current federal employees) are unconstitutional, hence illegal. Stand down governors. Stop forcing Faucism on family, friends and neighbors as well as all other presidential and gubernatorial executive order shenanigans. Stand down CDC. Stop neo-religious based dictates requiring vaccines, tests, masks or distance. Stand down employers. Stand down mayors. Stand down council members. Stop neo-religious based restrictions on worship, study, work, travel, play, life, etc. Stand down legislators. Stand down lawyers and judges. Whether pushing a vaccine ordinance to baptize people into Faucism, a booster for communion or a face veil to remind parishioners to exemplify Faucian virtues, the U.S. governments may not impose Faucism in any form, at any level, anywhere. Neither Federal nor State were ever delegated the power or right to tell people what to believe, what to do or what to fear. Both Federal and State have no power to touch anything to do with ‘religious test’, ‘establishment of religion’ and ‘prohibiting the free exercise thereof.’ And Faucism, telling people what to believe, what to do and what to fear, violates all three.
U.S. government has no place in the truth business. There may not be any laws about ‘religious test’, ‘establishment of religion’ and ‘prohibiting the free exercise thereof.’ There may not be any laws about ‘abridging the freedom of speech’ or ‘abridging the freedom of the press.’ There may not be any laws about ‘the right of the people peaceably to assemble’ and ‘the right of the people peaceably to petition the government for redress of grievances.’ There may not be any precedents applied where laws are prohibited. What a coincidence that this short list of rights reserved to and secured by the people almost completely covers recent infringements. The shutdown keeping the people from peaceably assembling according to their right wasn’t just illegal because of the first amendment being violated. It was more importantly illegal because the Constitution does not grant the power to turn off commerce and lock everyone inside without habeas corpus. Turn off power is not included with power to regulate. And most importantly the Constitution doesn’t give away the undelegated powers of the people to define truth or make personal decisions for themselves.
Selfish individuals have tried expanding government power for centuries. It’s time to notify the self servants of our time who have overstepped their bounds that they are no longer needed in the civil service. If anyone needs to be let go at every level it’s those who enforce Faucism or communism. The Constitution was never intended for people not willing to at least try to follow it. If anything, the vaccine mandates are enabling self servants to dismiss or harass actual civil servants. The Constitution has always been about limiting things the government may do to an extremely short list. The Constitution has never been about limiting things the people may do within adequate law. The people don’t need a list of things they may do. Only a very short list of what they may not. U.S. government, at every level, just needs to start keeping to the very short list of things it may do and leave everything else to the people.
When you destroy the work of centuries overnight your ill-intent or lack of knowledge is obvious to all. You can not expand a defined power outside of its finite boundaries without destroying the entire design and function of the whole. The Federal may not tell the States what to do. You can not build or operate outside of the blueprints and expect any stability to remain in the structure. Neither the Federal nor the States may arbitrarily tell the people what to do. You can not declare that things are different and have it be so. You may be able to take life but you can’t restore it. You are not a god. The markets won’t stay up forever just because you say they will. Commerce can’t be shutdown and productivity stalled without negative repercussions. This is well known to all producers. The boom and bust cycle of commodities is slow. You can’t hand cash directly to consumers without causing equivalent inflation. This is why government is limited to a very short list of simple achievable tasks. Following the Constitution never turned out this bad.
The best way to learn is from observing the mistakes of others. Hence the advantage of becoming familiar with history. Unfortunately, many have refused to accept the practical knowledge of the past and so must go through their own hard experience. Forcing others through hard experience on your behalf without equally sharing the consequences of your treachery is violent crime. The Constitution was inspired by God. Its simplicity is elegant. Choose to believe that everything will work again by following it religiously. Our founding fathers were well versed in experience and history. They were humble enough to strive to follow the commandments in the Bible as they traversed the unknown to combine multiple disagreeing States together into a functional nation. Because of their faithfulness and dedication they were blessed to ratify the Constitution and implement it. When followed, just like the commandments, the Constitution shielded the people from having to pass again through the already traversed hard experience encountered by humanity throughout the history of the world. When ignored, the people were left unprotected and vulnerable to the worst experiences life has to offer. Just as the judgments of God are upon those who don’t follow His laws, the worst aspects of life are endured by those left exposed outside the safety of following the Constitution. Practical knowledge is useless to those who allow their leaders to disregard it.
When we study the lives of our ancestors who fled religious harassment to come to the U.S. we find unsurprising similarities with our day. For years now in the religious preserve that was the United States, many of the people have been suffering harassment from others. It was not the kings or the queens twisting the knife that caused the most pain back before. It was family, friends and neighbors. Many people today do likewise when they signal Faucian virtues. Only a populous completely unprotected by not following the Constitution could suffer so. Such censor, restriction and control from those you love, who show concern as they ostracize you. Telling you whether you can leave your home. How to travel. Where you may or may not go. Whether you can work. What you can buy. Whether you can eat. What you can say. Whether you can breathe. What to do with your own body as if it were theirs. Only religious fervor can divide family, friends and neighbors so. We have cursed ourselves by abandoning the Bible and the Constitution. Now the judgment of God is upon us: we are suffering the consequences of our actions. Compare the recent past yourself with the well known history that could have saved us from it.
A government influenced harasser here and now is no better than the royalty influenced harassers our ancestors fled. This isn’t progress. It’s the exact opposite. Following the Constitution is the path to progress. It led our ancestors to freedom and happiness. Not following its guidance destroys all hope of that. Now we’ve come full circle. Improving things requires the use of practical knowledge learned over the ages. Unproven shortcuts may be long cuts if not dead ends.
Don’t replace religion with Faucism. Don’t force others to convert to Faucism or add Faucism to their existing religion. Don’t replace the Bible or prayer with a disease data tracker. Don’t blindly believe and follow everything you hear from the news media or social media, no matter which side you subscribe to. Don’t become a slave. Don’t enable the enslavement of others. Strive to follow the commandments as taught in the Bible (most proven path). But if you’re not willing to attempt that, strive to follow the Constitution (proven path). Whatever you do, stop following Faucism (unproven path). Stop ostracizing family, friends and neighbors (accident ahead)! Live and let live. Respect the individual rights the Constitution alone guarantees or learn what it is to be a slave yourself through hard experience.